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Circular Economy Important Websites You Should Look At

 Here are some websites that provide blogs, articles, and posts related to the topic of circular economy: 1. Ellen MacArthur Foundation ( The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a leading organization dedicated to promoting the circular economy. Their website offers a wealth of resources, including articles, reports, and case studies, providing in-depth information on circular economy principles and best practices. 2. World Economic Forum ( ): The World Economic Forum covers a wide range of topics, including the circular economy. Their website features articles and reports that explore different aspects of the circular economy, such as sustainable business models, technological innovations, and policy initiatives. 3. GreenBiz ( ): GreenBiz is a platform that focuses on sustainable business and environmental topics. They frequently publish articles and

Environmentally Persistent Pharmaceutical Pollutants (EPPPs): A Growing Threat to Our Ecosystems

    Environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants (EPPPs) are a growing threat to our ecosystems. These chemicals can enter the environment through a variety of pathways, including wastewater, solid waste, and animal manure. Once in the environment, EPPPs can persist for long periods of time and bioaccumulate in wildlife. This can have a number of negative impacts on ecosystems, including reproductive problems, decreased growth, and increased disease susceptibility.


We all know that pharmaceuticals are important for our health. But did you know that they can also be harmful to the environment? Environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants (EPPPs) are a growing threat to our ecosystems. These chemicals can enter the environment through a variety of pathways, including wastewater, solid waste, and animal manure. Once in the environment, EPPPs can persist for long periods of time and bioaccumulate in wildlife. This can have a number of negative impacts on ecosystems, including reproductive problems, decreased growth, and increased disease susceptibility.

What are EPPPs?

EPPPs are pharmaceuticals that are designed to be slowly degradable or even non-degradable. This means that they can persist in the environment for long periods of time. Some common EPPPs include antibiotics, hormones, and painkillers.

Image by Hague Quality Water of Maryland.

How do EPPPs enter the environment?

EPPPs can enter the environment through a variety of pathways. One major pathway is through wastewater. When we flush our toilets or take a shower, the pharmaceuticals we use end up in the wastewater system. This wastewater is then treated at a wastewater treatment plant, but not all of the pharmaceuticals are removed during treatment. Some of the pharmaceuticals that are not removed can then be discharged into rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Another pathway for EPPPs to enter the environment is solid waste. When we throw away unused or expired medications, these medications can end up in landfills. In landfills, the pharmaceuticals can leach out into the soil and groundwater.

EPPPs can also enter the environment through animal manure. When animals are given antibiotics or other medications, these medications can end up in their manure. When the manure is spread on fields as fertilizer, the pharmaceuticals can then be absorbed into the soil.

Where do EPPPs end up?

Once EPPPs enter the environment, they can end up in a variety of places. They can be found in surface water, groundwater, soil, and even air. EPPPs can also bioaccumulate in wildlife. This means that the levels of EPPPs increase in the bodies of animals as they eat other animals that have been exposed to EPPPs.

European Commission Goals for Sustainability in the Pharmaceutical Industry

What are the effects of EPPPs on the environment?

The effects of EPPPs on the environment can be significant. Some of the effects that have been observed include:

* Reproductive problems in wildlife

* Decreased growth in wildlife

* Increased disease susceptibility in wildlife

* Changes in the behavior of wildlife

* Changes in the composition of aquatic ecosystems

What can we do to reduce the impact of EPPPs?

There are a number of things that we can do to reduce the impact of EPPPs on the environment. Some of these things include:

* Disposing of unused or expired medications properly

* Using less medication

* Choosing medications that are less harmful to the environment

* Supporting research into the environmental effects of EPPPs


Environmentally persistent pharmaceutical pollutants are a growing threat to our ecosystems. We need to take steps to reduce the impact of these chemicals on the environment. By disposing of medications properly, using less medication, and choosing medications that are less harmful to the environment, we can help to protect our ecosystems for future generations.

Call to Action

Learn more about EPPPs and what you can do to reduce their impact on the environment at Environmental Persistent Pharmaceutical Pollutants (EPPPs)


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